Saturday, January 28, 2023

New Spaces

New blog, new year, new craft room!

Welcome to the new spaces of 2023. I ended off 2022 with the growth of our family from 3 to 4 people (plus 2 cats) and all the adjustments that come with that. As we were coming closer to the delivery of our Little Man, we went full renovation in our basement as what was my office and the guest room needed to become a toddler room.

After 6 months of continuous work, we are finally at a point where we can get our house back!! 

The office area, which about an 8'x10' space plus a decent sized closet, is also my craft space and I'm just starting to go through all the stuff that got shoved into my dining room to wait for it's forever home. With this, I have had to make some very difficult decisions about what I'm keeping and what I'm not. Difficult because a lot of my craft stuff has more emotional value than actual craft value.

For example: I got rid of 6 tomato boxes worth of sewing patterns that were inherited from various family members that were neither my size nor my style. These were sewing patterns I was never going to make but had difficulty getting rid of due to the connection to the past. 

How I got started pulling this bandaid off was not really my planning but the universe 'assisting' me. Back in 2020, when we were first looking at slowly fixing up the basement, I went into my craft room to see a number of little bugs flutter away. Sadly, I had brought 4 oz of black wool fibre that apparently was infested with moth eggs. In the process of starting to clean that up, we discovered that we had a crack in the basement that flooded the corner and destroyed a number of boxes that were stacked on the floor filled with miscellaneous items, fabric, and yarn. I ended up tossing about 14 industrial sized garbage bags worth of craft supplies into a dumpster box that a neighbour had rented.

The only part of my stash untouched was my spinning fibre as it was packed in sealed bags.

After that loss (and a fair amount of tears) I'm going through what I have left and being very strict with myself on what I'm keeping and what's leaving. I don't have a lot of space, and honestly, looking back through the years if I was looking to start a new project I almost never went to my stash for it. At least with knitting. That makes it a hoard and not a stash. So, it's time to make the room, the stash, and all the accessories work for me from here on out. I have a feeling that once I have my space set up I'll be a lot more productive.

At least once the baby starts sleeping more than 2-3 hours at a time.